ZeShan Foundation

ZeShan Foundation (“ZeShan”) is a privately funded foundation established by the Chen family in 2004. Previously known as Sterling Foundation, ZeShan is governed by the Grants Committee that formulates the foundation’s giving policy and reviews grants applications, while managed by a team of professional staff.

My position in ZeShan

IT Consultant of web projects. The first mission is help on their official web site revamp project.

Starway | 星途

Starway | 星途, a production group in Hong Kong. They provide entertainment events, micro-movies, product promotion services. You may visit their Fan Page.

My role of Starway | 星途

As a IT consultant. Provide consultation on IT projects.

Santo Aguila Consultants Limited (SAC)

Santo Aguila Consultants Limited (SAC) is a professional business IT solution consultancy agent and global software providers since 2007. We are specialized in business process re-engineering & improvement, data mining & knowledge management using innovative information technology. You may visit SAC official web site.

My role of SAC

As a Technical Consultant, IT equipment and enterprise infrastructure adviser.